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🎗️Understanding Leads

In this segment, you will gain insight into the following topics:

  • Lead Classifications

    • New

    • Contact Attempted

    • Engaged

    • Nurture

    • Converted

  • Utilizing the Leads Queue

    • Queue Behavior

    • Communication Log

  • Establishing Follow-ups

    • Follow-up Procedures

Lead Statuses

Leads are classified in five different statuses:

  • New leads

    Refers to leads where there has been no prior attempt at contact, either through phone calls or SMS messages.

  • Contact Attempted

    Describes leads where there has been an initial attempt to make contact via phone call or SMS, but contact has not yet been successfully established.

  • Engaged

    Refers to leads where successful contact has been established.

  • Nurture

    These are leads that have undergone a process of cultivation and engagement to move them closer to conversion.

  • Converted

    These are leads that have successfully transitioned into customers.

Leads Queue

This is the central hub where all your leads are stored. The Leads Queue has been created to streamline your call list. The leads displayed in this queue are the ones you should focus on calling. Let's explore how your interactions with leads impact the queue.

Communication Log

After opening a lead, you will be presented with the following screen:

Follow your company’s procedure for contacting leads and open the communication log (located on the top right of the page).

Information entered on this pop up will change when/if the lead will return to the Lead Queue.

Fill out the following fields:

  1. Channel

    1. Call or SMS

  2. Direction

    1. Inbound or Outbound

  3. Call Disposition (This field will only appear of “Call” is selected for step 1

    1. No Answer - This will change the lead status to “Contact Attempted”

      1. Lead will be removed from the queue for 1 hour

    2. Left VM - This will change the lead status to “Contact Attempted”

      1. Lead will be removed from the queue for 1 hour

    3. VM Full - This will change the lead status to “Contact Attempted”

      1. Lead will be removed from the queue for 1 hour

    4. Engaged - This will change the lead status to “Engaged”

      1. Lead will be removed from the queue for 48 hours


    1. Enter any comments that may be relevant to this interaction

  5. Need to follow up with borrower?

    1. If you select this option, you'll be prompted to enter a follow-up date.

      1. The lead will then be temporarily removed from your queue until the specified follow-up date.

    2. If you leave this option unselected, the lead will follow the status behavior

Scheduling a Follow Up

You can schedule a follow in via the Communication Log or the Log Detail component

Communication Log

This method is done while dispositioning your call. To do this, make sure the “Need to follow up with the borrower” option is marked in step 5 of the previous section.

  1. Event Subject

    1. Call or Meeting

  2. Start Time and Date

    1. This will determine when the call will show up in your queue

  3. Duration

    1. 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour

  4. Notes

    1. These notes will appear next to the call in the queue

Log Detail

You can schedule a follow up at any time through the “Log Detail” component found within a lead. To do this:

  1. Select a lead from your call list

  2. In the right section, select “Log Detail”

  3. Click the drop down arrow next to “New Task” and select “Follow up”

  4. The “Follow Up” tab will appear at the bottom of the page. Fill out the following fields:

    1. Subject

      1. How will you be following up?

        1. Call

        2. Email

        3. Letter

        4. Quote

        5. Other

    2. Due Date

      1. When will this follow up take place?

      2. Status

        1. Have you completed this follow up?

    3. Assigned to

      1. Who will be following up?

    4. Priority

      1. High

      2. Normal

      3. Low

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