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Please make sure the following items are completed before proceeding with onboarding:

  1. You have a Salesforce license and are an administrator in your org.

  2. You have your UWM API Credentials

    1. These credentials can be obtained by reaching out to your UWM Account Executive

  3. You have enabled Opportunity Teams

  4. You have enabled Person accounts

  5. You have enabled Digital Experiences

  6. “Company” is removed from the Lead page layout

  7. Field Level Security The “Lead Source” field on the Account object is granted to relevant profiles

Once you have completed the prerequisites, use the following links to install the application:

For Production:

For Sandbox:

Once you have successfully installed the application, please navigate to the App Launcher and search for “Onboarding Wizard”.

You may now continue onto the next section to continue setting up the Pulse Application.

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