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🚌Onboarding Wizard

Introducing Our Onboarding Wizard: Your Passport to Seamless Success!

Welcome to Pulse, where your journey begins with our revolutionary Onboarding Wizard. We understand that getting started with any new service or product can sometimes feel overwhelming, but fear not! Our Onboarding Wizard is here to guide you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable experience.

Why Use Our Onboarding Wizard?

Effortless Start: Say goodbye to confusion and frustration. Our Onboarding Wizard takes the guesswork out of the equation, making sure you get started on the right foot.

Personalized Guidance: We understand that everyone's needs are unique. Our wizard tailors its instructions to your specific requirements, ensuring that you receive relevant guidance at every turn.

Time-Saving: Your time is valuable, and we respect that. With our wizard, you'll save time by skipping the long and tedious learning curves. It's the fastest route to success!

Confidence Boost: Gain the confidence you need to make the most of our product or service. Our wizard provides clear explanations, so you'll feel like a pro in no time.

No Stress, No Hassle: Enjoy a stress-free onboarding process. Our intuitive wizard is designed to be user-friendly, making sure you feel at ease from day one.

What to Expect:

Step 1: Call List Configuration
Let us assist you with setting the cadences for how often you would like to dial your leads. The cadences you pick here will change how often leads will appear in your call list. You can specify based on: Not Contacted, Engaged, and Nurtured leads.

Step 2: UWM Integration

Seamlessly integrate with our partners at UWM (United Wholesale Mortgage) to streamline your operations. We'll guide you through the process, making sure your integration is swift and hassle-free.

Step 3: Milestones

Keep borrowers in the loop! In this step, you will determine the email sender borrowers will see when receiving automated emails. Choose the emails sent to borrowers when a milestone is reached

Step 4: Enhanced Notes

Collaboration is key. Learn how to assign and manage roles for enhanced note-taking within your team. Ensure that everyone has the right access.

Step 5: Borrower Portal Branding

Make your borrower portal your own. Our wizard will show you how to brand your portal to reflect your identity, leaving a lasting impression on your clients.

Step 6: Drip Campaign Configuration

Unlock the power of automated communication with drip campaigns. Configure them with ease to nurture leads and maintain valuable connections.

Step 7: Document Management

Master the art of efficient document management. Learn how to organize, store, and access your documents seamlessly,

saving you time and effort. in this step, you will select the default folders for your company’s files.

Step 8: Final Steps

Add the finishing configurations to Salesforce to ensure a smooth integration.

Your Success is Our Priority:

With our comprehensive Onboarding Wizard, you'll be well-prepared to leverage our services to their fullest potential. Your success is our priority, and we're here to guide you every step of the way. Let's get started on your journey to success!  Related articles

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